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Apply for a Staff Position

We’re always looking for new team members! If you’re passionate about manhwa, not afraid of some hard work, and are chronically on Discord, consider applying for one of our open staff positions. If you want to apply, just select the correct application below, and you’ll be redirected to a Google form (if you’re interested in being an editor, please submit both the typesetter and cleaner/redrawer applications).

Please note that if recruitment for a given position is closed, you won’t be able to open the application. If you want to get updates on what positions are open, join our Discord!


If you’d like to make a donation and show some support for our work or a particular series you love, please use the buttons below! Reader donations are an invaluable part of the funding that lets us bring so many people the series we do on a regular schedule basis. Thank you for supporting our team!

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If you want to keep up with the latest MM Comics news including chapter updates, series pickups, important announcements, and more, join our Discord!